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Ivory Powder Flask (8411)

The first thing that is noticeable is the shape of the flask, it's oval like the more typical horn flask. In actuality it's the natural shape of the elephant tusk. All the other ivory container handles I have are lathe turned. This might have been more difficult to make as it had to be all hand polished and finished. The fitting on the bottom is round ivory that is brass pinned with brass threads to the round shaft. It has a rosewood shaft with 3.5 inch ferrule.
On the top of the handle is an ivory crest. It has two lions, two large paddles, a banner with I.B.C.I.U. accross it, and a shield with AOAW on it. AOAW is a masonic workers organization, and the banner is probably a lodge.
In the shaft is a brass adjustable powder measuring device. By pouring powder from the flask into it, you could determine different loads for different uses. Birdshot, deer, rabbits, etc.

Category: Gadget
Sub Category: Weapon

Listed: 2006-08-16 14:31:14

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