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Ivory Sowing Cane (8995)

In my opinion, this wouldn’t have been made by a hobbyist, it took tremendous amount of skill to have made the handle on this cane .An elephant tusk is solid near the tip and hollow tapering larger as it goes down the tusk. This had to have been made from a solid piece near the tip. It took as large a piece of ivory to have made this handle, it doesn’t feel that way now because it has been hollowed out. I’m not sure how it was hollowed out as it’s 1 ¼” in diameter, which would be considered a huge hole if it were drilled. The outside was then turned to a 1/8” thickness. Polishing ivory takes a lot of time, using finer and finer grits of abrasives, until it shines. When I started my life teaching high school wood shop, we would teach the kids to use a French polish on their wood bowls on the lathe, it took a long time. To turn ivory with no lines is not for beginners.
I think it took as much time to make this handle as to carve one with an animal. I think these kinds of canes are under priced. 4* rarity and C value 1500 to 3000. This one is also all complete with ivory needle case cover, ivory thimble, ivory thread spool. All ivory threads..

Category: Gadget
Sub Category: City - Manufactured

Listed: 2006-12-07 00:19:32

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