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Item Detail

Ladder Cane (9047)

It doesn't look homemade, all the parts seem to be factory made. It's held together by a steel band that is held in place by a spring steel clip. It was very well thought through and well made. You may ask what it was used for, I don't have the slightest idea. The steps of the ladder are steel, so it is very strong. The only hints that it fit into some type of base is the round flat tip at the end of the ferrule and a square steel tip at the base of the other leg of the same length. My guess is that it fits in a wood base for an animal to use in a street show. I can visualize a monkey climbing to the top and standing on his head to the applause of a cheering crowd. Well that may be a little immaginative, but do any of you have a better idea.
This was sold by tradewinds a few years ago, with active bidding, and I thought it was interesting enough to put in my collection. What I like about it is, another one has never shown up, and it's character and mystery is what makes gadget canes so much fun.

Category: Gadget
Sub Category: City - Manufactured

Listed: 2007-04-14 19:33:09

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